Chess God
Chess God is a chess game made by myself Philiphacker for my personal use and for my friends to beat my program. This is a computer mode chess game with my own advanced algorithm and I named Chess God to denote it as immortal and impossible to beat chess game.
• Added 20 Levels of computers from beginner to expert
• Each computer had its unique skills and name
• Also added option to pick computer from custom skill
• Added end game animation
• Theme customization options
• 16 chess pieces modes
• Chess pieces size are adjustable
• Row text can set to lowercase or uppercase
• Column number can set to decimal or roman
• Player name can be changed
• 7 characters added to computer
• Computer can accept or deny draw
• End game intelligence added
• Set default pawn promotion piece
• Promotion piece also can be change during game play
• You can take screenshot of focused game anytime
• Screenshot auto save to documents added
• Winning, losing, drawn history will be stored in history
• Generate and save end game PGN data
• PGN data support import on any chess game
• This PGN data can used to analyse in any chess game
• Generate and save also game direct moves
• Moves, PGN, Screenshots, History can be deleted
• Factory data reset option added to restore default
• Our own end game analysing mode added to fix mistake
• Chess weightage and points added
• Auto detect advantages added
• Added auto detecting move is normal, capture or enpassing
• Each move will be logged in side panel
• Resign button added even with computer
• Every move will be verified either valid or not
• Developer mode feature added
• Full chess guide added for beginners
• and more to explore
Select Level
There are 20 Levels and custom level options can be choose from select level configuration. Default level is Level 19 (Impossible).
Level 1 - Noob : Basic computer which play freely. But still try to win. Suitable for beginners.
Level 2 - Tintoo : Computer based on our Techno community. Suitable for mods
Level 3 - Kratos : This comp based on history as play like olden days computers
Level 4 to 12 - Friends : These are based on my friends knowledge as designed specially for them to thanks giving credits.
Level 13 - Philip : Mentioned as myself to begin with hardness. Can be beatable by game masters.
Level 14 - Ramya : Which is mentioning for my Wife, as casual she must be greater than my level
Level 15 - Riya : My beautiful little princes as computer here to play. Specially for her.
Level 16 - Pragg : Famous kid made for chess, real hardness starts here
Level 17 - Anand : Famous Indian Chess master, double the power of previous
Level 18 - Magnus : Famous World wide known chess master, Over Powered
Level 19 - ChessGod : Faster and immortal, win for sure whoever you are.
Level 20 - LazyBot : Slow thinker and mover, impossible to win. 4xChessGod.
End Game Animation
End game animation is based on Aggressive computer character mode with level 2 computer theme of Kratos and Baldur. Every game ends it will be auto played by default video player to motivated you by making angry to beat.
Enable : Show end animation
Disable : Do not show end animation
Theme configuration
You can configure color theme of literally anything shows on the game screen from background to even chess board boxes.
Main background color : is background of main screen
Main foreground color : is a text color of row and column
Name background color : name shows in side bar background
Name foreground color : name shows in side bar text color
Versus background color : vs shows in side bar background
Versus foreground color : vs shows in side bar text color
Move background color : moves shown in side bar background
Move foreground color : moves shown in side bar text color
User mate color : box color change after user win
Computer mate color : box color change after computer win
Board black box color : chess board black color box color
Board white box color : chess board white color box color
Chess piece color : whole chess piece color change
Chess piece disable color : after winning board disabled to click color
Advantage text color : player on game side bar advantage text color
Current move highlight : highlight current moved piece for user and bot box color
Reset default : will reset everything to default theme color
Color codes : All colors coded by hex codes, If don't know what mean you can get those code from color you picked from here.
Factory data reset
This will delete all custom configurations you made and make game into default game which you see when open at very first time. Saved data like screenshots, PGN data, moves, history will not be deleted by this reset. Saved configurations and themes will be deleted.
To reset : Type CONFIRM in capital letters and press reset now button.
dev mode :
Change coin characters
This will change chess pieces into different characters as examples shown below,
White mode - white moves first (default)
Black mode - black moves first
Alphabets - rounded alphabets of KQRNBP
Letters mode - black lowercase and white uppercase
Roman mode - ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ,ⅳ,ⅴ,ⅵ - Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ
Number mode - rounded numbers of 012345
Symbol mode - pieces into symbols
Emoji mode - emojies instead of pieces
Box mode - Everything box here
Circle mode - Everything circle here
Gender mode - based on human genders
dice mode - from 1 to 6
poken mode - 10, J, Q, K, A, C
shade mode - guess and play using only shades
invisible mode - only king visible other all pieces invisible
Coin size
Coin size can be change to any size between 0 to 50 pixels. Zero will be also trigger an invisible mode (including king). Default value is 35.
Change row text
Row text can be either uppercase or lowercase.
uppercase : ABCDEFGH
lowercase : abcdefgh
Change column text
Column text can be either normal decimal number or roman numbers.
decimal numbers : 12345678
roman numbers : i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii
Change player name
You can change your name in game. Default it will be shown as You and Your in side bar. Name can be between 3 to 10 character at length which matches the side bar size.
Computer characters
There are 7 characters given to computer. Default is aggressive mode which I designed at very first. Then added other 6 too.
Aggressive mode - Computer behave so rude and aggressive. Can be turned off by choosing other character mods and disabling end game animations from configuration menu.
Kind hearted - Computer behave very kind to you and even apologize for a win from its side. Much kind enough. straight opposite to aggressive mode
Gibberish - Computer talks in gibberish. Its a famous and well know unknown language which can not be understand by anyone.
Strange - Computer talk like a stranger and behave like a stranger. Doesn't care win or loss, It behave the same as its a stranger.
Casual - Computer behave and talks like casual guy from old past and doesn't have any feel, Just report the things happens.
Simple - Simple too similar to casual. But, much simpler version with 2 to 3 words and doesn't talk anything useless, concentrate in only points.
Emoji - Computer doesn't talk or behave, Just push single emoji for each reactions. Much much compressed version to talk.
Offer draw settings
You can select either always accept draw or choice by computer. Which means, while you clicking for offer draw to computer, computer can choose his own decision to accept your draw offer or deny it according to game going.
Always allow : computer always accept your draw offer
Computer choice : computer decides by its own either to accept or deny your draw offer
End game intelligence
End game intelligence is a setting specially designed to work faster during end game.
ON = During end game computer think and play for checkmate
OFF = During end game computer play as usual instead focus on checkmate. (doesn't mean it won't check mate, just it doesn;t concentrate and focused in checkmate a lot. If got change to mate it still check mate you. Just not aggressive as when its ON)
Pawn Promotion
While prompting your pawn to opponent side top of board, you can choose to promote your pawn to any other pieces like queen, rook, knight, bishop (not include pawn & king). You can choose which piece you like to promote before itself from default pawn promotion piece settings or even during gameplay you can choose which you want to promote to on that game case situation too.
Game Screenshot
You can take screenshot any time you wish while playing or endgame. It won't disturb your game or pop up. Also, it doesn't capture your full screen, Instead it auto focus only chess board window of ChessGod app and take screenshot silently and store into ChessGod folder in documents. You can access that folder even directly from File option.
Take screenshot : File > Screenshot this game
Open screenshot : File > Open > Screenshots
Note : .NetFramework is must to take focused screenshot. Fortunately in most cases its build-in tool in Windows starting from Windows version 8.1
PGN and move data
PGN data can be generated once the game ends using generate PGN button. You can either copy it to clipboard directly or save as pgn file in ChessGod folder. There are 4 options available to save.
Save as PGN data and copy to clipboard
Save as PGN data and save as pgn file
Save as Moves data and copy to clipboard
Save as Moves data and save to txt file
PGN data contains,
• Event where game played
• Website game owned
• Date when game played
• Rounds played
• Who played as white
• Who played as black
• Result of the game
• Game start time
• Game end time
• Total moves played in the game
• Winner of the game
• All moves from beginning to end step by step
Piece Weightage
Weightage calculated using my own method to detect pieces and more information of game moves to feed computer.
King = 100
Other all pieces = 1
Advantages points
Advantage points are used to detect who at winning and leading in game.
0 = check mate
+ = white advantage
- = black advantage
Move detections
Three varies types of moves are detected by game on side bar next to player moves.
Normal = Just regular piece moves
Capture = Black or white cuts others pieces
Enpass = Enapassant move by pawn
Game Analyse
You can analyse the game by two ways.
1) By using built-in analyses feature which analyse the game once game ends and show the best possible move can be done during game and help to learn from it through text list.
2) By using third party chess apps or sites. by exporting PGN data from our ChessGod you can use that to analyse your game in any chess apps or sites which support analysis.
Known Issues
- Slate mating computer will make user win
- Move repetition draw disabled
How to use ChessGod ?
- Download from below link
- Unzip/Extract using password given below
- There will be ChessGod.exe file
- Disable Antivirus if disturbs before extracting
- Its portable exe, No need install
- Just double click to open and play.
- Enjoy gaming. Enjoy beating impossible chess.
Zip Password
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